Why is this important?
Mental health is essential to overall health and well-being. Mental health issues impacts every aspect of a person’s life, including excelling in school, finding gainful employment and housing, and developing meaningful relationships.
Mental health is essential to overall health and well-being. Mental health issues impacts every aspect of a person’s life, including excelling in school, finding gainful employment and housing, and developing meaningful relationships.
“Mental health services are hard to come by. There are huge stigmas around services.”
—Key Informant
—Key Informant
Goal 1: Mitigate the effects of trauma
a. Provide education and promote community awareness around the effects of childhood trauma, including education for parents
b. Promote and adopt trauma-informed policies and practices throughout the community
c. Build youth resilience skills
Goal 2: Decrease social isolation and loneliness in youth and older adults
a. Build youth social skills
b. Implement and expand mentoring and social connection programs
c. Implement and expand community service programs and projects
Goal 3: Equip our community with the knowledge, tools, and resources to empathetically accept and help individuals in need of behavioral health supports
a. Disseminate information to health care providers, social service providers, and the general public on behavioral health conditions, appropriate approaches to interacting with and treating persons with behavioral health conditions, and available services
b. Increase the number, frequency, visibility, and reach of evidence-based behavioral health trainings
c. Promote the use of 211 and ensure behavioral health system organizations keep 211 information up-to-date
Goal 4: Prevent use and misuse of substances
a. Promote policies that advance substance-free social norms and reduce youth access to substances*, such as restricting advertising, reducing retail outlet density, and promoting retail licensing
b. Implement programs and initiatives to prevent substance use during pregnancy
c. Build youth self-regulation skills
d. Provide education and disseminate information on risks associated with use and misuse of substances
e. Educate providers on safe prescribing practices and promote safe prescribing policies
Goal 5: Reduce harm associated with mental health and substance use through use of community-wide approaches
a. Increase awareness and access to Narcan, including increasing awareness of the Good Samaritan Law as it relates to overdose
b. Utilize and promote evidence-based practices aimed at suicide prevention and postvention
c. Increase access to clean injection supplies and syringe services programs for people who inject drugs
Goal 6: Ensure access and coordination of care for people impacted by mental health and substance use disorders
a. Expand patient information sharing between providers
b. Promote development and implementation of standardized community protocols and practice standards for mental health and substance use disorders
c. Increase behavioral health pre-treatment/pre-recovery programs
d. Expand behavioral health peer support programs
What the data say:
- Jackson has a value of 29.1/100,000 which compared to OR Counties.
- Josephine has a value of 27.4 which is higher than the OR Value (15.1 deaths per 100,000)
Behavioral Health and Well-being Indicators - Jackson
Use the dropdown menu to see indicators related to Behavior Health and Well-Being!
This indicator shows the percentage of adults who reported binge drinking at least once during the 30 days prior to the survey. Male binge drinking is defined as five or more drinks on one occasion, and female binge drinking is four or more drinks on one occasion.
Data Source: CDC - PLACES
Behavioral Health and Well-being Indicators - Josephine
Use the dropdown menu to see indicators related to Behavior Health and Well-Being!
Data Source: Oregon Student Health Survey