Why is this important?
The positive and negative experiences in early childhood have long-term effects on physical, emotional, and social well-being. One of the most impactful things that can be done to lay the foundation for health throughout the lifespan is to ensure positive physical and social environments for children.
“We’re all so busy making ends meet that it takes time away from family. There are all these pressures to do more, do better, be everything. It leaves this hole in families.”
—Key Informant
Goal 1: Families are nurtured and strengthened through the building of family protective factors.
a. Increase parental resilience
b. Increase knowledge of parenting and child development
c. Increase parent social connections
d. Increase access to concrete supports in times of need
e. Increase social-emotional competence of children
Goal 2: Families have access to safe, affordable, and appropriate child care
a. Promote and adopt family-supporting policies within regional organizations and businesses
b. Increase high quality, affordable, and accessible child care and respite programs
c. Increase supports and recognition of caregivers (including professional and relational)
d. Investigate, identify, or create benchmark data for monitoring regional access to safe, affordable, and appropriate child care
Goal 3: Families have ample healthy and affordable food
a. Reduce food insecurity for children and families
b. Increase access to healthy foods for children and families
Goal 4: Community-based organizations create a coordinated and collaborative service-delivery system
a. Align policy and funding to increase impact and sustainability
b. Streamline delivery system to decrease duplication of services
c. Promote the use of common language and training resources
d. Increase data sharing and communication capacities
e. Investigate, identify, or create benchmark data for monitoring coordination of the regional service-delivery system
- Compared to OR Counties, Jackson has a value of 16% while Josephine has a value of 18% for Substantiated Child Abuse rate.
- Josephine has a value of 10.5% in 2021 which compared to OR counties, is in the best 50%.
- Jackson has a value of 12.7% in 2021 which compared to OR counties, is in the worse 25%.
Parenting Support and Life Skills Indicators - Jackson
Use the dropdown menu to see indicators related to parenting support and life skills!
Parenting Support and Life Skills Indicators - Josephine
Use the dropdown menu to see indicators related to parenting support and life skills!